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Combining singing lesson instruction with masterclass performance opportunity, these 50 minute sessions are suitable for all singers whether beginner or experienced.


Mini Masterclass courses are about discovering, choosing and using the correct tools for optimum singing.

In an encouraging environment, singers have the benefit of observing others who are taught, which in turn supports their own development.


Abigail teaches practical exercises for developing each unique voice and introduces the singers to a variety of singing styles.

There is opportunity to choose a solo piece and seek individual help, as well as sing duets with others.


Whilst sessions are jam packed with technical tips and advice, everyone is really supportive and friendly and many new friendships have been made through these classes.


What the singers say...

"I am learning so much - I love all the technical info, and it feels

very special being part of a group where we are all learning

new things together and supporting each other.  

It’s a very precious experience - thank you!"

- Siri

"It is friendly, inclusive, informal and stretches my musical ability. Abigail coaxes wonderful sounds from us by giving

confidence, clear direction, fun and technique.."

- Deirdre

"I don't know how you've done it but I've managed to sing solo twice to you and the group now. I feel AMAZING to have achieved so much and it's all down to you. 
I was nervous both times as I'm very shy, but it is a true testament to your teaching skills that I did it… a MIRACLE… Thank you so much!"

- Louise

"I love singing in Mini Masterclasses because its friendly, inclusive, informal and stretches my musical ability. At the end of the session I always feel elated with a real sense of achievement.

- Lindsey

Please sign up here to join the waiting list

Antiphonal Kyrie
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